Cheaper Stair Lift Alternatives
With the rising age of the UK population, mobility issues will become more frequent. As a stairlift company, we would like to provide the ideal solution to your mobility-related problems. We know that a stair lift will not be the right choice for everybody due to several factors such as cost, or even that stair lift is not the right fit for your current condition or your lifestyle.
We pride ourselves on our industry-leading customer service. That is why we would like the share with you our top picks for stair lift alternatives that will be cheaper to pursue.

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Stair Climbing Canes
For those who are only experiencing a little difficulty with climbing the stairs due to fatigue, a stair-climbing cane would be a cost-effective choice to give you a little extra support when navigating your stairs.

Two canes that we would recommend would be the Rock Steady Cane and the EZ-Step Stair Climbing Cane. Both of these stair-climbing canes assist you in different ways. The Rock Steady cane will provide you support by giving you another stable platform to rest your weight on.
The EZ-Step stair climbing cane acts more like a half-step. It will allow for the transition from one step to the next a little easier with the height needed to raise your leg decreased.
Pros of Stair Climbing Canes
- Affordable: Stair climbing canes can be very affordable, with prices typically ranging for £70 to £120 depending on the brand and model.
- Light & manoeuvrable: Stair climbing canes are lightweight and easy to maneuver, making them suitable for individuals with minor mobility issues.
- Easily Stored: A Stair climbing cane will not occupy much space, allowing for stress-free storage.
Cons of Stair Climbing Canes
- Physical Effort: A stair climbing cane still requires that the user puts in most of the effort to navigate up the stairs.
- Limited Use: These canes are not recommended for individuals with severe mobility issues who need a more supportive solution.
A portable ramp is useful for wheelchair users to access areas with small steps. It helps make getting around easier.

Many companies make ramps for wheelchairs or for older people who struggle with stairs. In the UK we found that The Ramp People were the most reputable company to go for. They offer a wide selections of different styles or ramps for different use cases.
Pros of Ramps
- Very Cheap solution: You can get a rubber threshold ramp for as low as £30. But if you were wanting something that could tackle a few stairs the pricing is very fair, with portable wheelchair ramps starting at £85.
- Easily deployable: Portable wheelchair ramps easily fold up and can be stored away. Making the transport & the deployment of a wheelchair ramp very easy.
- Not permanent: A portable wheelchair ramp can help with your mobility without requiring any permanent changes to your home.
Cons of Ramps
- Only useful for a few steps: Wheelchair ramps are only helpful for a few steps, not for navigating an entire staircase. They are best used for moving up a small flight of stairs or a raised floor.
- The risk of shifting: Since these wheelchair ramps are not attached to the ground, they may shift out while in use.
Downsizing your House
Downsizing to a one-story house could save you money and eliminate the need to deal with stairs every day.

If you have a big house that’s hard to move around in, consider moving to a smaller one. It’s a good choice to downsize. House prices are going up. This means that your property may be worth more than what you paid for it.
Pros of Downsizing
- You could make some money: If you own a valuable property that is too big or hard to manage, downsizing could help you make money.
- Daily life will be more comfortable: Daily life will be easier with no stairs to climb and essential areas of your house closer together. This will make moving around your home much simpler.
Cons of Downsizing
- The House Selling Process is tedious: Selling your house is not a quick process. You will need a little capital to be able to cover solicitors fees as well as get an EPC rating for your home. It also takes a while to be able to find the right buyer.
- You would have to move out of your home: If you are emotionally attached to your home, moving out can be a tough decision. If you are having difficulty selling your house due to mobility issues, consider finding a different solution, Perhaps it is necessary to think outside the box to overcome this obstacle.
If you have trouble climbing stairs, a stair climbing cane could help. If you struggle with climbing stairs, a stair climbing cane can assist you. If you use a wheelchair and need to maneuver a small staircase or raised platform, consider using a ramp. Ramps are a good option for wheelchair users who need to navigate obstacles like stairs or raised platforms.
Finally, if you are in a home that is too large for you & you have a little bit of capital to cover the fees, downsizing your home is a good approach to take which can leave you with some profit.
None of these solutions are foolproof, as they all have their pros & cons. However, we hope that this article has proven useful in thinking about alternative solutions to your mobility-related problem. If you are in need of a stairlift, but the price is affecting your decision we have information on financing a stairlift with monthly payments & how to apply for a stairlift grant.